Veruschka, Grade 6, features in Deccan Herald
Veruschka, Grade 6, is a budding writer and poet and after sending in samples of her work she has been featured in the Deccan Herald.
Below is one of Veruschka's poems based on the current pandemic situation. More of her work will be featured in the School Magazine in due course.
THE VIRUS - by Veruschka Pandey
Hitler and O’sama, great anguish you have caused us,
a new comrade is ready to join your group though it is a virus,
not an ordinary man like you.
Yes, you heard me right, a virus!
A virus came swooping over far lands
and knocked the air out of our lungs like an avalanche! Cursing India, Italy and America too!
The abominable part of this situation is that
this is a natural event, out of our control
Mercilessly destroying our economy, minds and soul!
But the question is, is this virus an evil or a sign?
A sign that conveys a message that we are not doing fine
Long ago, we were friends of the nature,
Then we took advantage and put it to torture...
The Mother nature bore this pain for years and years,
Then Earth got weary of this maddening behavior,
Hence it’s punished us, our friends can’t come near,
And we can’t breathe anymore in open air!
Boom ! here comes along the COVID19,
a revenge in disguise, it stirs.
In a way, just like how angels are a messenger of God, the virus is a messenger of the nature.
This virus has come to tell us to cease all the destruction and spoiling of the nature, and maintain this in the future.
Summarizing, the virus is more like Alexander the Great, Galileo Galilei and Leonardo Da Vinci, an influential thing that has a purpose to make a change.
Turns out, the real evil is us, we are the menace who have caused destruction, we are the reason for our own suffering, isn’t that strange?