#MeetTISB - Ms.Deepa

Ms. Deepa is our Head of Department - Biology. She was born & brought up in Tamil Nadu. She has a Masters in Zoology and Philosophy in the field of Entomology. Soon after her PG she decided to take up the opportunity to be lecturer for undergrad students. She has immense love for her subject and told us she was motivated by the amazing biology teachers she had at school.
Ms. Deepa joined TISB in 2008 and cannot believe so many years have passed by.
“I have seen TISB as an epitome of academic excellence over last 15 years and have seen it expand in space and student numbers over the years. I am proud to be a part of the TISB community as it has helped me build my passion for teaching Biology and has provided an excellent teaching learning environment.”
According to Ms. Deepa, her students and members of the Biology department is what makes her journey enriching and keeps her young at heart and mind.
We had a quick Q&A with Ms. Deepa
What’s the best thing about being a teacher?
Satisfaction and pride in preparing knowledgeable and independent students for the future.
What’s your favorite school lunch?
Lemon rice!
Tell us an interesting/quirky fact about you
People also call me Aruna
Which is your favorite spot on campus?
The serene road leading to GIH. As I walk down the lane to reach GIH for the boarding duty, I love watching the greenery and it gives me a good time for reflection.
What one piece of advice would you give to your students?
Always think positive and you will have it all !
How do you think your students will remember you?
Passionate and caring