Animal Ethos - Providing a safe-haven for animals in need

Caring for the ones that do not have a voice of their own.
A group of students from TISB and other schools in Bangalore, have started an initiative called 'Animal Ethos'; an initiative to help stray and abandoned animals around the city in partnership with Cessna Lifeline - a veterinary hospital that take in and cure homeless animals.
The initiative was founded by Grade 11 student, Aahil Advani, who is a true animal lover and who has spent a large part of his life caring for and rescuing animals.
Part of the success of Animal Ethos is due to their network and media, which has allowed them to gather over 1 lakh in less than a week. Some of the initiative's members were interviewed on 94.3 Radio One FM on 30th July - where they spread the word about their ambitions and activities.
Right now Animal Ethos is looking for volunteers to contribute to their cause. More information about this is available on their website (opens in new window); hosting more information about how the initiatives operate, and how you can get involved - either as a volunteer or by donating resources.
Follow Animal Ethos on Instagram (opens in new window) for staying up to date with news on their progress, meeting the team, and find out about when and how you can contribute.