TISB Student at the Every Child Development Forum

TISB Grade 5 student, Kian, participated in the Every Child Development Forum taking place in February 2021. As part of the panel Kian spoke about his experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic and distance learning from the point of view of a TISB student.
“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever”, says Kian, starting off his presentation by quoting Mahatma Gandhi. Over the last year Kian has realised his and most other students’ learning was much easier: “Sitting in buses, going to school, sitting with classmates and teachers, at our desks using whiteboards or blackboards in a normal school environment. We could play in the fields in break times, walk to the cafeteria at meal times, and everything was so much fun when you and your friends were not separated by a screen.” Because of the Corona virus and the lockdown, realities have changed. Students are now sitting in front of a computer screen or device much more than before.
The feel of not being in a classroom with your friends and teachers is something that has been a significant loss for many students. But Kian also stress that there are some benefits with online learning. “You can learn anywhere in the world”, says Kian who is happy to have cut out the commuting time to and from school, which means that you can spend more time at home with friends and family, and that pollution is reduced as buses have stopped. “You also learn a lot more about technology”, continues Kian who says he is happy that working on the computer as it reduces the paper waste.
Speaking about his experience from the COVID-19 pandemic, Kian lists the things that he has learnt and the unexpected things that he is grateful for: “I also learnt that working from home with my entire family was really fun, and I have learnt how to mop and dust and help around the house. Being unable to travel, made me learn how much we actually learn by visiting new places and cultures, and how much I miss travelling. I have also learnt to be thankful for everything I have – school, friends, family and to be able to live in a community where I can still get out of the house, even during the pandemic. And last, but not least, I have learnt to play several new video games.” However, Kian is sure that all of us want to get back to school and experience learning at its fullest.
To watch the talk with Kian go to this YouTube video.