Give Peace a Chance – International Day of Peace 2020

Every year on 21 September people around the world observe the International Day of Peace. It provides a globally shared date for all humanity to commit to peace above all differences and contributes to building a worldwide culture of peace.
See our students and staff wearing white to celebrate peace.
In 1981 the United Nations General Assembly declared this a day to be devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace. The date chosen was the regular opening day for the annual sessions of the General Assembly – a forum for nations around the world to come together and try to solve conflicts and build peace and global stability. In 2001, the General Assembly unanimously ratified an update, calling for the observance of 24 hours of peace; of non-violence and a cease-fire.
The United Nations theme for this year’s International Day of Peace is ‘Shaping Peace Together’.
This year, it has been clearer than ever that we are not each other’s enemies. Rather, our common enemy is a tireless virus that threatens our health, security and very way of life. COVID-19 has thrown our world into turmoil and forcibly reminded us that what happens in one part of the planet can impact people everywhere. – United Nations
Due to the pandemic and associated uncertainties, fake news and conspiracy theories have been spread around the world, and the UN are initiating a campaign against attempts to use the virus to promote discrimination or hatred.
Although much of the world is standing still due to the global pandemic, war and conflict has not ceased. Active war and skirmishes continue in many parts of the world, such as Syria, Ukraine, the Niger Delta, Yemen and Myanmar to name a few. Furthermore, violence and violent behaviour occurs all around us, on streets, in houses and online.
In 1969 John Lennon sang “Give peace a chance” as part of an anti-war song. However, conflict is not always about armed forces and violent wars. Conflict is all round us in our daily lives whether it be everyday differences between people, their interests, or different standpoints. Conflict does not always entail violence, or even exchanges of unpleasantries, it might be subtle, and found in regular meetings, discussions, or heated debates.
Similarly, peace is not only about the UN Security Council, international agreements and cease fire agreements. Thankfully, peace can be found in our everyday lives, in our families, our work meetings and in our day-to-day existence, whether offline or online.
As Monday is the International Day of Peace, we would like to encourage everyone to show a little more kindness; through a smile, a compliment, a kind gesture to family, friends or anyone you meet – offline and online.
Moreover, we invite all students and staff to engage in this global day by wearing white in solidarity with the UN resolution to commemorate and strengthen the ideals of peace both within and among all nations and people.
An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind. – Mahatma Gandhi