What to do during Winter Break

Being the last week of term and the last day before Winter Break, this week’s Spotlight focuses on –you guessed it– having a break. But having a break does not always mean only relaxing and having time off, it may also mean expanding one’s interests, and finding new topics and areas to explore. A good way of doing so is reading, exploring literature – both fictional and factual.
Diving into a good book can help keep your brain stimulated, while giving you a chance to step back from your work – Mr Benny, HOD Department of Library
Being a school, TISB would like to encourage and inspire reading, not only to study, but to explore interest and topics – ones already known to you, as well as completely new ones. Mr Benny, Head of the Library Department, has got a few suggestions in mind.
The K-12 Reading List is a website that aims to provide exciting, stimulating and engaging reading recommendations for students in all Grades. Each collection of books has been compiled to include fiction and non-fiction books for all abilities.
On our website, under the Student Portal there are many reading resources and suggestions. For this Winter Break, we have put together a reading list, mainly for Senior School students.
Blitz Notes is an online revision notes repository launched in February 2020 by two graduated TISB students, to assist students from around the world with revision. The aim of Blitz Notes is to eliminate the world’s information asymmetry by providing organized, high-quality, peer-reviewed notes across curricula.
If you feel like having a good rest and build wellbeing, there is plenty to do. Last year, Ms Supriya, one of TISB’s School Counsellors, put together information and self-care tips beneficial to everyone. More inspiration and resources can be found on our website in the Distance Learning and Wellbeing section.
Have a lovely Winter Break and a Happy New Year.