PY Reopening - Welcome Back!

This week PY reopened for the first time since the pandemic began and opened its doors for students to come back for an orientation day. The day has allowed students to look their teachers and fellow classmates in the eyes, have breaks and playtimes with their friends and an assembly to learn more about the routines of being back at school. To create a smoother transition and to help PY students get oriented, Grade 12 Prefects have assisted and contributed. We got in touch with the two Grade 5 School Relations Prefects and a few of the helping Grade 12 students to learn more about the PY reopening.
It felt like I was dreaming, Incredible I couldn't believe I was in fact at school with my friends again – Neel, Grade 5, PY School Relations Prefect
From Monday to Friday this week, many students from Grades 5 to the Early Years have been back in physical school for one day. Back in their classrooms students have had lessons, art workshops creating flower rangolis and painting Diwali diyas, dancing together and getting reacquainted with their friends and teachers in real life. PY students who are yet to join their fellow classmates in physical school have participated online through a hybrid model.
Safety routines have been prepared and implemented; arriving at the parking area, one-way lanes in the corridors, handwashing, social distancing and mask wearing will become a part of daily life in school. Neel, one of the Grade 5 School Relations Prefect says: “I think the changes to the school to keep it safe was lovely because everyone had their masks on and there was a cone in the corridor so we walk on the right side. The precautions were perfect and made me feel very safe.” Nikhil, also Grade 5 School Relations Prefect, agrees because “a set routine and rhythm for the day, instead of creating a new one daily” is his major motivator and encouragement to come back to school.
It felt great to be back in school and to meet my friends again after two years – Nikhil, Grade 5, PY School Relations Prefect
Grade 12 students have contributed to the reopening of PY by putting together an orientation treasure hunt for students to get acquainted with the school premises. Chasing clues around the campus allowed students to find their way to the reception, swimming pool, library, music room, cafeteria and the medical centre. “Along the way, we played verbal games like ‘2 truths 1 lie’ to help the students know their peers better after over a year of distance learning”, explains Kushagra and Lune, who are the Grade 12 PY Prefects.
On their first day back at school the students were glad to see their friends and teachers. New students were fascinated by the campus and adapted to their new environment. “We were glad to see the smiles on their faces when they found a clue or cracked jokes amongst themselves”, says Lune and Kushagra, who loved seeing the excitement among the PY students during the orientation. The orientation also helped new students to get to know their fellow Grade mates. "New students also had a better opportunity to interact with the old students”, says Aahil, Grade 12 student and Head of BIH Boarding House, who also was part of the treasure hunt and carrying out interactive games, such as 'Simon says' and 'I spy with my little eye’.
To see some of what the students have been up to during their first day back at PY, watch this video on Instagram or Facebook. From next week onwards, PY students will have more time to enjoy in physical school and its campus, their fellow classmates and teachers.