Spectrum Club

On the 17 May was the ‘International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia’ and upcoming in June is the ‘LGBT Pride Month’, two occurrences which spread awareness locally and worldwide to activate dialogues to hinder violence, discrimination and repression. At school there is an after-school club called Spectrum, which spreads information and knowledge related to LGBTQ+, and to help broader and better comprehension for a peaceful future. We reached out to the Spectrum Club to learn more and get a better understanding about the close-by events.
We'll be continuing conducting the sessions on awareness and inclusion the next academic year – Spectrum Club
Spectrum Club has recently been working on spreading LGBTQ+ awareness throughout the student body and faculty, by putting various informative posters throughout campus and conducting sessions on inclusion. “We put up special posters regarding the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia on May 17”, explains the student leaders in the Spectrum Club who encouraged everyone, regardless of their identity and opinion, to know more about the day.
The upcoming LGBT Pride Month of June is a celebration of people coming together based on feelings and friendships. It is also a way to understand how far LGBTQ+ rights have come, as well as how there is still work to be done in some places. “We are hoping to spread more awareness about the queer community among our fellow students”, explains the club leaders, who wants to support self-affirmation, dignity and equality, and to increased safe visibility and lives of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and more people in this world.
The Spectrum Club is one of many after-school clubs. Next year students will have the opportunity to choose what clubs they would like to part of. “If you’re an ally to the LGBTQ+ community and would like to work towards making the school safer, healthier and more inclusive, please register for the Spectrum Club after-school activities in August”, says the club members, who will continue to conduct sessions about awareness and inclusion the next academic year, and organise events towards a better world.