Column: Mental Wellbeing #4

Yet another week comes to a close, and with it, yet another gruelling set of exams finally comes to an end. We've all been through it - the sleepless nights spent frantically revising, the anxious leg-bouncing or pencil-tapping as you sit in the exam hall, and the sense of dread as you turn over the paper to see your marks. It can be some of the most intense and stressful periods in your school career, but take it from your seniors - it doesn't have to be.
It's especially important to take care of your mental health during exam season. We've all heard the same advice - make a schedule, stay hydrated, go for a run, sleep 8 hours, but it can often feel impossible to make time for all these things in the midst of preparing for exams. As expert exam-takers, we wanted to give some insight into a few quick and realistic ways you can manage stress and ensure you do your best when the day arrives.
1. Take mini breaks
It's important to break your study sessions down - give yourself 10 minutes to relax before moving to the next topic. You can take some time to text a friend, listen to a few songs or simply walk around the house.
2. Make time for friends
In stressful times like these, it's immeasurably helpful to have others who are going through the same thing. Form study groups, or simply take 20 minutes in a day to catch up with your classmates. Reminding yourself that we're all in the same boat can help keep you motivated and refreshed.
3. Don't focus on the outcome
Bear in mind that exams are just a way to test how much you know - if you start to fixate on simply getting a grade, it becomes easy to stress yourself out and raise the stakes of an exam. Take a deep breath and remind yourself to enjoy the process - find ways that make studying engaging for you, be it videos, group quizzes or flashcards.
That being said, study hard - we wish you all the very best for your exams!
Happy Friday, Trojans! Have a great weekend.
Best regards,
Anvita & Yash
Grade 12