Echonomix Magazine – New Leadership Team

The Echonomix Magazine has received a new and updated leadership crew: Aarna, Ameya, Camelia, Indra, Navya, Rewa, Shravan and Shrey – all leaders and contributors to different parts of the magazine. The magazine has been student-led since a couple of years and focus on finance and economics, while highlighting trending and emerging topics that allow readers and writers to delve deeper on certain topics, as well as broadening their views. We reached out to the Echonomix leadership to find out more.
Echonomix is for everyone – Rewa, co-editor
Economics is a topic which is relevant in the world around all people, as it helps readers to understand behaviour done by firms and governments, as well as individuals. “We at Echonomix have a shared drive for making this knowledge more accessible for the younger generation, while widening our own horizons”, says Navya, who is social media creator. The Echonomix Magazine focus on trending and emerging topics, allowing writers and readers to dive into economic activity. “It’s about learning and growth”, says Shery, the vice president of the magazine, explaining how they empower students reading up on current affairs, government policies, economic impact on specific industries and a lot more – all through the lens of fellow students, making it easier to comprehend and enjoy.
The magazine has a broad focus and invites a wide audience. The team is open to opinions and provides a platform where students can put forth their views on topics without being judged. “Whether you are a reader wishing to gain a wider knowledge in the field, or someone who just wants to explore, the Echonomix Magazine is for you!”, explains Ameya, editor-in-chief of the magazine, whose role is to edit and proofreading. “While anyone can enjoy Echonomix, we aim to cater to the bunch that's either interested in economics or has a decent grasp over it – we're always here to educate and foster a love for the subject!”, says Shravan, editor of the magazine. “Whether you are an avid reader, someone who loves economics, or someone who wishes to broaden their knowledge, Echonomix is the place for you”, says Rewa, whose team include a variety of opinions, articles, and activities to encourage the readers.
Within the Echonomix Magazine team there are short-term and long-term ideas. “We plan to come up with an issue on the theme of ‘Recessions’ in the coming weeks, as we feel that the topic is relevant in today’s economic situation”, explains Ameya, who along with the team aim at developing the magazine further, editing the website and improving social media presence. On a more long-term planning, the group plans to include students from other schools, to use topics to empower students views and perspectives. With wide-ranging sections, from articles to games, Echonomix connects theory to the real world, creating a platform for students to put forth opinions and ideas. As such, the team aims to be available to serve as a medium to ensure that everyone gets a voice.
Introducing the leadership
Ameya: As the editor-in-chief of the Economix magazine, my role is mainly to oversee and contribute in the editing and proofreading process. I also work with Shrey and Indra to discuss our future plans and the ways in which we can make the magazine more accessible to a larger audience.
Indra: As the vice president of the economics club and the editor of the Echonomix magazine, my duty is to coordinate with other members, and ensure that the sessions are conducted smoothly. As the editor, I have the responsibility to go through various submissions to the magazine and ensure that it is ready for publication. I also work very closely with students and teachers, and using their feedback, try to ensure that the club is as far reaching as possible.
Shrey: As vice president I work in a cohort alongside my peers in planning and piecing together every club session we conduct, gather fun games, quizzes, prepare presentations to teach from and gather topics for light-hearted discussions while also helping delegate work amongst the team. Additionally, being outreach manager adds to this constantly spreading the word about the club’s activity and constantly gathering more students to be a part of the club and the magazine.
Aarna: As the head of design and publication for the Echonomix magazine, it is my role to design social media posts and enhance the aesthetics of our website to help convey topics under the umbrella of finance and economics in a more captivating way.
Camelia: As a social media creator for the Echonomix Magazine, I am responsible for designing and creating the content that goes up on our website and social media platforms, whilst trying to fulfil our objective of reaching out to people and widening the range of our audience.
Rewa: As a co-editor at Echonomix, I read through articles and ensure there are no grammatical errors along with repeated notions to bring the best to you. I occasionally write articles too and help compile the magazine publication.
Shravan: I'm Shravan, and I'm an editor for the Echonomix magazine - I'm partly responsible for making sure that we put out content that's of the best quality.
Navya: Being a social media creator at the Echonomix Magazine entails curating digital content, marketing and web design. This position allows me to change my affinity for graphic design and advertising, while expanding my knowledge of economics.