Why MUN? – MUN Winner Rohan

TISB Grade 10 student Rohan recently won the Best Delegate Award at Deens Academy DMUN. The conference was held online all across India on the 28-29th of August 2020, where Rohan represented William Barr; the Attorney-General of the USA, on the Ruskaya Executive Komitet – a committee with the purpose to determine how Russia would interfere in the US elections. Rohan was also recently selected to chair another MUN conference, the UNHRC in WGSMUN, on the 11th and 12th of September.
“I'm hooked! It's a heady mixture of politics and international relations, two things which interest me.” – Rohan
Why did you become interested in MUN, and what made you pick it up?
“To be honest, I have my mother to thank for this.” Rohan explains. Rohan has always enjoyed debates and argumentations, and it is especially the “civilised shouting that really enamours me”, he continues. It was when Rohan and his family moved to Bangalore and TISB last year that his mother got in touch with Mr Anand Jerome, the Head of MUN at TISB, he signed up for the MUN After School Club.
Being part of the MUN community and its events is a great way for young people to learn about the UN system and how a diplomat works. Moreover, it is a great way to develop skills in debating, structuring arguments in speech and text, cooperation and teamwork, as well as leadership skills. Rohan explains that he just came back from yet another event, where he is currently chairing the UNHCR committee in an MUN being organised by Whitefield Global School. “The chair is similar to a moderator: they guide the proceedings and make sure delegates move toward the final goal of committee”, Rohan elaborates.
This year the TISB MUN is back. This year the MUN team are planning two conferences; one for Junior (Grade 6-8) and one for Senior (Grade 9-12) School students. The conference for Junior School will take place between 31 October and 1 November; and Senior School 12-14 December. This year the conferences will take place in an updated format, online and with an international Secretariat as the event is going global.
Read more about TISB MUN on our website. For more information about this year's event and to find out how you can register, visit TISBMUN.com. For quick news and updated, follow TISB MUN on Instagram.