Celebration of Labour Day

Every year Labour Day, also known as International Workers' Day, is celebrated on May 1. It is a celebration of all labourers who are promoted by appreciative and proud people. This year at TISB Hansika and Akshera from Grade 7 came out with a noble gesture of honouring and thanking cafeteria and housekeeping staff for all their good work. We reached out to them to find out more about their thanksgiving celebration.
It was definitely a small step towards spreading positivity and kindness – Akshera, Grade 7
On May 1 during the lunch hour, all boarders and on campus staff of TISB gathered to celebrate Labour Day by giving an engaging and encouraging round of applause to all the cafeteria staff and chefs, and the housekeeping team. The event was followed by a celebration with chocolates and thank you cards to all the staff members. The students had planned the event for about five days before the special day. “It was a pleasure giving back to the helpers and school staff”, explains Hansika, who is happy to have been given this opportunity.
The event was a mark and token of TISB students’ gratitude, a treat to staff who work in a good way every day and contributing to students staying on campus. “I thought it was an important thing to execute because it's essential to thank and feel grateful for the work each and every staff member have been doing for us”, says Akshera, who appreciates the staff work and treatment, things that support and motivate her. “The highlight of this event was the joy and happiness on their faces which was wonderful to witness. It was definitely a small step towards spreading positivity and kindness.”
Both Akshera and Hansika would like to continue working on this kind of celebration. They both enjoyed doing the project right from the start, making thank-you cards and giving it to them in their hands. “Being a boarder, I was able to realise how the smallest of tasks can be of influential importance. Overall, I am extremely happy to be given this opportunity”, says Hansika.