AKS Awards – For Excellent Performance in Education

This year people in TISB have been awarded certificates from the ‘AKS Education Award’. Principal, Dr Caroline Pascoe, former IB Coordinator (now Deputy Principal) Mr Naveen Tom, and four of our 10 students who got a perfect 45 were awarded certificates for their excellent performance in education.
AKS Education Awards actively reach out to all corners of World, to identify and recognise Exceptional Educators who has made an outstanding contribution to their profession. The award recognises all the actors in education, and work towards bettering the world’s education systems. The organisation believes that a small appreciation can make a lot of differences – helping to develop and garnish the professionalism among educators and other professionals, as well as students around the globe.
The goal is to give tribute and reward to outstanding educators for the eminence and effectiveness of their teaching, their specialised leadership, their engagement with the community, and their potential for even greater hand-outs to the healthy development aspects of educational programs. The award also appreciate and acknowledge principals and educators, who are in the nascent stage of their career, or mid-career, to reward them for what they have achieved – and for the guarantee of what they will achieve in the future.
Here are all the certificates awarded to TISB by the AKS Education Awards
When achieving the AKS Education Awards, Dr Caroline Pascoe, Mr Naveen Tom, the groups of students and some of their parents videoed a response to the award. Hear their thoughts on how to succeed in education; as an educator, a student and parent through this YouTube link.
To watch the AKS Award Ceremony, please click this link to the recording by AKS Education Awards.