Boarding Morning Workout

Since physical school and the boarding houses are returning back to normal, students are excited and have a sense of energy that needs to be properly utilized. As a reaction, four boarders have decided to start a morning workout series, three sessions per week and between 5:30am to 6:30am. Saketh, Juhun and Jihwan from Grade 11, and Yeongseok from Grade 9, are the initiators of the initiative and plan to divide students into different groups where they will each participate in different activities. We reached out to the team to find out more about how they are intending on making use of their newfound energy.
We would like to help students set their goals and achieve them – Boarding morning workout team
Many students have found that since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, many people, young and old, have been reluctant to leave their houses and have stayed in lockdown. “This has been a serious hazard in terms of everyone’s health”, explains the team members, whose believes is about more than just fitness: “Our aim is not only to try our best to help everyone recover their physical fitness but also help them to gain a habit of regularly exercising. Also, the sessions will help the social relationships and mental health issues through working together.” The team also sees their initiative as a way to assist students in building their capacity to set goals and to achieve them. “Also, it would be best if everyone can make this a habit and continue exercising as a lifestyle”.
If you are a boarder with much energy and look forward to spending it in a good way, join Saketh, Juhun, Jihwan and Yeongseok in their upcoming venture.