Spotlight – PY Book Week
During this week, one of the most important annual events has been taking place in PY: Book Week. It is an annual tradition full of reading, and where children participate in varied activities such as Drop Everything and Read, Character Museum and Character Dress up. It also offers a range of friendly competitive activities and sharing their love for reading – literally, through a Putlock activity, where they give away their favourite book to their classmates. We reached out to Ms Archana, Grade 4 Form Tutor and one of the organisers of the event, to find out more about what has been going on. We also managed to contact a few of the Grade 5 students who shared their experience of the annual event.
A Child who reads, will be an Adult who thinks – Ms Archana, Grade 4 Form Tutor, English Subject Leader
Book Week has been a much sought-after event, dedicated towards the joy of reading. “My favourite thing about Book Week is DEAR (Drop Everything and Read), because I get to read my favourite book and it is also fun because it happens when we least expect it”, says Grade 5 student, Siddhartha, who believes reading is important because it boosts creativity and imagination, and improves vocabulary and knowledge. “It is very endearing to see children drop everything and read when they hear the tinkle of the bell”, says Ms Archana, who is part of the committee which plans and coordinates the PY Book Week. “I think reading is important because it keeps you happy, diverted and interested, and takes you to a whole new world of imagination!”, says Darnita, who thinks that the best part of reading is the joy, and you are learning at the same time.
Students also eagerly await the event as they get to know interesting books that they can add to their reading list. The author and storytelling sessions conducted by Roopa Pai, who has published over 20 books, motivates young writers. “Imagine a world surrounded by the power and passion of reading, that’s what Book Week in PY feels like every year during this time!”, says Ms Archana, whose favourite part of the week was the ‘Potluck - Page Turner’, where children wrapped their favourite books, wrote messages and shared them with their friends: “It was heartening to see some of them giving away their favourite books by quoting the following statements to their friends: ‘Don’t worry, if you are giving away your favourite book, you will be receiving somebody’s favourite as well’.”
Grade 5 children always look forward to the Character Museum, introduced a few years ago by Ms Emily, as it deepens their understanding of books. Two of the Grade 5 students who we reached out to had dressed up as Hermione Granger. “I chose Hermione because I feel she represents the resilient side of my personality”, says Pippa, who sees reading as a source for imagination and empathy, and strives to live up to the characteristics of Hermione. Sarah from Grade 5, who also chose Hermione for the character museum, believes reading is important “because I think words can take you to a world that never existed and all of the magic behind it is just below the cover of a book.”
Every year children participate in competitions that further enthuse reading. This year it was wonderful to see some thoughtful and humorous comic strips depicting the theme: ‘Pollution is the Past’ by Grades 3, 4 and 5. Grade 5 student, Vihan, explains his feeling for the event: “My favourite thing about Book Week is the poster competition, because we get to enhance our drawing skills, put on our creative thinking hats to earn some house points for our house and it really makes me excited and pumped up.” The thought-provoking bookmarks designed by the creative minds of LG1, UG1 and Grade 2 persuades the audience to also think about water as a precious resource.
Although Book Week is over for this year, the effects will stay with students and teachers for the rest of their lives. “I personally believe that celebrating books with passion as we do is important to arouse the interest in reading as the world belongs to those who read. PY Book Week has always been a fantastic week and it is great to see young learners getting excited about books!”, says Ms Archana, who is already looking forward to the event again next year.