Discover Peace Through TISB MUN

This week, 21 September, was International Day of Peace, a day established in 1981 by the United Nations General Assembly. Two decades later, in 2001, the General Assembly unanimously voted to designate the Day as a period of non-violence and cease-fire. This year’s theme, ‘Recovering better for an equitable and sustainable world’ encourages building resilience and transforming the world to a more inclusive, equal, and sustainable place. The TISB MUN Club develops its members’ knowledge and skillset about how to build and maintain peace. We reached out to Grade 12 MUN Prefects, Shrey and Ananya, to learn more.
The ultimate goal of MUN is to solve real problems – Shrey, Grade 12, MUN Prefect
Peace and conflict is not always about armed forces and violent wars. Conflict is all round us in our daily lives, whether it be everyday differences between people, interests or different standpoints. This is what TISB’s MUN Club is all about.
The TISB MUN Club meets every Tuesday afternoon from 4pm to 5pm. During the club’s meetings the participants cover basic procedures of the Model United Nations, practice in mock committees and build knowledge and skills about the world all around us. “MUN is a sport, as much as any other. There are competitors, sportsmanship, awards and conflict”, says Shrey, explaining that it is about training and honing one’s abilities to reach different perspectives and solutions to complex topics and problems such as climate refugees, space mining and military zones.
MUN is about conflicts between real people, and fostering conflict resolution skills among students through conversations, discussions and debates. “A commitment to peaceful conversation and collaboration over violence and conflict, is at the core of Model United Nations as an activity”, says Ananya. She highlights how MUN acts to build diplomacy and the ability to come together with others, regardless of nationality and background, bringing people closer to equality and development. Shrey agrees: “It is imperative to understand views before dismissing them, no matter how foreign they may seem. To approach world peace, we must find peace among our fellow people first.”
The Junior TISBMUN will take place between 30 – 31 October, and Senior TISBMUN between 26 – 28 December. Please stay up to date with our news and social media to learn more about the upcoming events.
Peace is not only about finding solutions to problems, establishing international agreements and ceasefires. Thankfully, peace can be found in our everyday lives; in our families, at work and in our day-to-day existence – whether offline or online. Take this weekend as an opportunity to give peace a chance, with kindness through a smile, a compliment or a kind gesture to family, friends or anyone you meet.