Tell us your story! – PR Prefects Invites all Students to School News

TISB has always had a bustling campus with numerous engagements. Student interests, initiatives and activities have been part of the school newsreel. This academic year the school and our Grade 12 PR Prefects, Anvita and Yash, would like to invite an even larger number of students to tell their stories – with broader themes and content. We met up with Anvita and Yash to find out more about their vision for this coming academic year.
We would love to have all your voices heard – Anvita, Grade 12, PR Prefect
Having been physically and socially separated from school and friends for nearly a year and a half, Yash and Anvita thinks that it has started feeling lonely. However, this need not be the case. "One of the ways you can stay connected with the community is with the news feed that features interesting stories from all members of the TISB community”, says Yash, who, together with Anvita, is working on including everyone to strengthen the community. “Feel free to share your own story, or simply support other students as they share theirs”, says Anvita, who believes that one of the easiest ways to stay engaged with the school community is to be active and part of the news feed.
But what news stories should students share? Well, sharing one’s story is not only about bragging rights or 15 minutes of fame. It is about sharing one’s interests, reach out and getting in touch with more people, inspiring others and receiving support, and spreading ideas and values. It may be in the beginning of an idea stage or planning, while something is happening right now, or at the end to spread news and results. “Students can get in touch with us about pretty much anything”, says Yash and gives examples of a piano piece inspired by music class, or an essay on global trade drawing from economics lessons. “It may not even be academically inspired. Even an interesting and unique experience from their life is welcomed”, he continues. Anvita agrees: “The idea of this feed is to share students’ experiences and to show our support and camaraderie. If you feel for something, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.”
“The pandemic hasn’t been the most forgiving. But trust me when I say, the TISB community is one of the best places to find comfort”, says Anvita, whose passion for music has led to new friendships: “I took up singing when I was 3, and my love for the art only grew. Speaking from experience, singing —or simply listening to music— is a great way to unwind after a long day of school. Funnily, more than a few of my friendships with my classmates online began by simply sending them a song I thought they might like. I’d encourage all of you to reach out in any way you can, to your peers and to us!”
Many people of all ages have begun new activities, and carried out new ideas and projects during the lockdown. Yash have also picked up new hobbies and interests during online learning: “I originally took up cooking as a hobby to eat something other than the same rice and dal in lockdown, and slowly I expanded my experiences to everything from pizza from scratch to Thai chicken curry. Cooking is a great activity and extremely pleasing, especially when the food is tasty. If anyone also wants to talk about cooking or literally anything with me, please reach out!”