PY Sports Day 2021 - A Short Report

In today’s PY Assembly, Mr Tarun, the Head of the PE Department, presented the PY Sports Day results for Grades 3 to 5, as well as the total House Points that had been awarded. The one-day event that took place on the 31 March was made possible due to eager and astute preparations by the PE Department ( They made original instruction and training videos for students from PreKG to Grade 5 to take part in the different challenges of the event, and parents also had their shot at the prize, as they had their own challenge.
Although the event was online, the total number of students participating in the PY Sports Day challenges was a great 268. Each Grade had two challenges: one fun and one physical exercise. Each participant and winner was awarded House Points, which were distributed as follows:
Pioneers – 346
Discoverers – 489
Voyagers – 500
Explorers – 502
“It was fantastic to drop in and see some of the students in their homes as they were giving it their all to win House Points”, says Ms Emily, PY Deputy Principal, as she awaits the detailed results from Pre-KG to Grade 2 which will be announced after Spring Break.
Follow the news and our social media channels to get the full report after Spring Break.