National Sports Day

Sunday 29 August is the National Sports Day in India. The day commemorates the birthday of hockey player Major Dhyan Chand, who won gold medals for India in the Olympics of 1928, 1932 and 1936. However, National Sports Day is also an annual reminder of the need for sporting activities in life. Due to the pandemic and decreased mobility and the social distancing, the day is perhaps more important now than ever. TISB has always been a great supporter of sports and physical activity because of the benefits it has for students. As a response to the lockdown and distance learning, TISB and its student body have started to engage in activities and initiatives to combat negative effects and to build positive ones.
As Principal of the school and a sports enthusiast, Dr Caroline sees many benefits in physical exercise, such as endurance from aerobic exercise, strength from stronger muscles and bones, increased flexibility, and the self-control, discipline and skills which comes with sports. Students gain better focus, less tension and anxiety when they get to release excess energy. “I always feel immeasurably better after doing some exercise, not only in terms of fitness but also because my improved sense of wellbeing makes it easier to deal with any challenges the days present”, says Dr Caroline, who took up golf last year and is now hooked. There are also team building and resilience skills which participation in sport brings. “Children learn how to organise themselves and other members of the team, how to take instruction, and how to win and lose gracefully”, says Dr Caroline who believes that these are great life skills which will serve students throughout their school days, as well as in the world of work.
Because of the uncertainties surrounding the pandemic, it was difficult in the beginning to know how PE lessons and After School Sport Activities could take place. “It was a huge transformation for us. Initially we started sharing YouTube videos with students, and PE teachers started recording their own lessons”, says Mr Tarun, who is the Head of the PE Department, and Wider Curriculum Coordinator. However, very soon the PE department realised that recording and editing instructional and lesson videos took too much time.
As the school realised that the pandemic would be present longer than most people and governments initially thought, online methods became available and offered ways to directly teach and engage students in PE. But despite technology there were still challenges, as many students did not have access to the right resources or open areas. “We have been trying to encourage our students by preparing lessons for them based on exercises and skills that can be done in home conditions”, says Mr Tarun. “I never imagined that we would have to take PE or swimming lessons onto a virtual platform.”
Over time, Mr Tarun and his team have discussed and debated on how to best include and encourage students. Some department members with technological knowledge and skills have trained and assisted the rest of the teachers. Because of ambitions, the department has been able to plan and carry out traditional events, but now online. “Last year we managed to conduct Trojans Cup – an inter-school event on a virtual platform, an inter-house event, and the PY Sports Day”, says Mr Tarun, who experiences it as being a great learning experience for all.
The TISB student body has also been keeping busy trying to engage others through different initiatives. One such initiative is the Covid-Fit-Club, started in May 2020 by Rohan and Akash from Grade 12. Rohan, who is Head Boy and squash enthusiast, feels that physical activity is key for wellbeing, especially in these times. “As an athlete, sports and exercise keeps me grounded and helps me pursue another facet and passion of mine while aiding in helping me focus on my academics”, says Rohan and recommends all students to find ways to exercise, for even 30 minutes – with their families, YouTube videos or TISB's online After School Sports Activities, as it not only activates the body but also releases endorphins.
Although Mr Tarun is looking forward to the reopening and teaching students PE in physical school, he finds hope and inspiration in the National Sports Day and the legendary Major Dhyan Chand: “I think all of us in the sports fraternity are truly inspired by his commitment and are able to fight this prevailing odd situation and keep sports spirits high”.
Tuesday 31 August is the deadline to sign up for TISB’s After School Sport Activities.
For more information about Rohan and Akash’s physical and mental online club, with fitness, dance, yoga, boxing classes and more, visit Covid-Fit-Club. All proceeds goes to charitable causes.