Column: Mental Wellbeing

Our Grade 12 PR Prefects, Anvita and Yash, have put in process a column for mental wellbeing. The column will give readers both emotional and practical suggestions, exploring different ways to promote better mental health.
We are writing to you, not as your prefects or your seniors, but as peers. After a tumultuous first term, many of us are feeling overwhelmed and anxious in such times of uncertainty. It’s easy to feel disappointed or isolated, which can take a serious toll on mental health.
In these times, it’s important to recognise that we aren’t alone – all of us are in the same boat. If you ever need to talk, keep in mind that the entire TISB community is here to support you. You can reach out to us at any time, and engage with the Peer Support Group (PSG) on Instagram.
A great way to cope with stressors (though somewhat unconventional) is to simply make a playlist. Creating a soundtrack for each unique emotion can help you find comfort and solace, reminding you that there is indeed light at the end of the tunnel. It doesn’t have to be music – any creative outlet, be it design, writing, or dance, can give you an outlet to express the messy, tangled emotions we all go through. You don’t have to be the next Olivia Rodrigo or Agatha Christie – just do what feels natural, don’t worry about quality. Creative expression can be a great way to process what you’re going through and can even help you connect with others. The next time you feel stressed, simply put a pen to paper or pick up a hairbrush and dance around your room – who knows? You may find yourself smiling by the end of it!
Another great way to vent your anxieties is to talk. Cliché, I know, but it does work! You don’t even need to talk about what you may be going through – making connections is more than enough to prevent burn-out and foster resilience. Maintaining friendships online can open up new avenues too, from being able to watch movies together to organising virtual sleepovers! Make sure to call your friends once in a while or set up a movie or game night once in a while (you may have heard of a certain game called ‘Among Us’)!
And, as always, don’t hesitate to reach out to me and Yash or the TISB PSG, either on Instagram or via email. If you feel lost or scared, please make sure to reach out to our counsellors, Ms Madhuri, Ms Nitya and Ms Supriya and feel free to book a session with any of them.
We hope you all have a great weekend!
Stay safe and healthy,
Anvita & Yash