Head Girl & Head Boy – Colours for a Cause

This week we feature Grade 12 Head Girl and Head Boy, Shrishti and Rohan, who have come up with a campaign for proactive good behaviour, solidarity and community spirit.
It’s the start of a new term but unfortunately, we are still stuck online. And we all know how hard it is to stare at a screen all day, all week and even all month for months on end. Especially when you’re staring at black boxes.
Now, we know you’ve probably heard this from all of your teachers at every point during our online journey. But this time, we want you to find a meaning bigger than yourself when you “switch on your camera.”
So, we have implemented a new initiative, ‘Colours for a Cause’! Every fortnight, you will receive updates about a specific day when you have to wear a particular colour in honour of a unique cause. Your teachers will take screenshots of each class unitedly wearing that colour, and the class that shows the maximum number of students participating will be named the champion of the month.
The first cause we’re honouring is the International Day of Education, on Monday 24 January. For this, we encourage everyone to wear a shade of blue.
We are so excited to see our entire school participating in something that involves us all, paying homage to the events that have shaped our world, and honouring people that continue to make a difference in millions of lives every day. While some days you may not feel like turning on your camera, or have an “internet issue”, we hope that on these special days, we all take time to contribute to something that can help us stay connected, united and motivated during the seemingly unending pandemic.
If you have any questions about this challenge, feel free to reach out to us. Let’s make our time at TISB unforgettable, pandemic or not. Go Trojans!