Teacher Portrait – Mr Paul

Mr Paul, Head of Creative Arts, was brought up and went to school in North Buckinghamshire in England. This is his 27th year of teaching Drama. When beginning his work, Mr Paul completed 18 years in two schools in Northamptonshire in England, where he carried out and fulfilled different roles, such as Head of Drama and Head of Grade 11. He then left the U.K. to work in international schools in Bangkok, Hong Kong, Dubai and, of course, Bangalore. Before becoming a teacher, Mr Paul had many different types of Drama-related job positions, including professional Stage Manager, Youth Worker and Youth Theatre Director, as well as being a Lead Singer of a band. We reached out to Mr Paul to find out more about him and his passion for creative Arts.
The Arts enrich the lives of those embracing them – Mr Paul, Head of Creative Arts
Mr Paul previously worked at TISB as Head of Drama, between 2017 and 2019. Back again at the school, Mr Paul is Head of Creative Arts, coordinating and developing Arts, Music and Drama for the future, as well as enjoying memories of the past. “I am really liking working with older students whom I taught when they were Grades 6 to 8 and I am enjoying getting to know the younger students who are new to me”, says Mr Paul, who enjoys being contacted by former TISB students who reminisce about the past and inform him about what they are now doing in their lives. “They make me feel that I have made a difference to them. It’s nice to be remembered.”
Students’ lives are greatly enriched by participating in and studying the Arts. The subjects look good on a CV even when applying for Mathematics, Science, Business or IT-related courses. “The Arts lend people a creative mindset that can be employed in whichever field a person chooses”, says Mr Paul, and explains how it may give students extra advantages and joy in a difficult and challenging world. “Everybody applying for these non-Arts courses at University will achieve the required grades. You need something in your profile that makes you stand out, that makes you look more interesting.”
A quick Q&A with Mr Paul
What is your favourite food?
Indonesian food.
What is your favourite music?
Far too many bands and genres to list.
What is your favourite book and films?
I like sci-fi, fantasy and crime novels and movies.
What is your favourite animal?
I am indifferent to animals.
What is your favourite colour?
Not really got one. Maybe red? Liverpool are the best, after all.
What is your favourite hobby?
Making playlists of music I like. I have an extensive playlist for every year of my life. I also make a playlist of newly released music every month and share them with my friends. It’s not so much a hobby as an obsession.