Teacher Portrait – Mr Tarun

Originating from Kolkata, Mr Tarun travelled to many states and cities in India, following his father who was part of the army. After growing up, Mr Tarun qualified the Bachelor's degree in Physical Education and received a diploma in football coaching from NSNIS Sports Authority of India. Soon after completing his professional course in the year 1994, he joined the teaching field of different schools. We reached out to Mr Tarun to find out more about his history, and the reopening of physical school and the satisfaction of working together with students.
Life offered me a teaching job and I am enjoying it till date thoroughly – Mr Tarun, Head of P.E. Department, Wider Curriculum Coordinator
Having a long-term specialty and experience working at TISB for 16 years running, Mr Tarun feels that the best thing about working and living at TISB being the landscape of the school. Being passionate about the type and level of education at the school, Mr Tarun is impressed by the elite school and the important levels of professionalism maintained. “I think working as a teacher always throws new challenges, it is not monotonous and when you start teaching a child from scrap and when you see them come out successful the reward is very fulfilling”, explains Mr Tarun.
Being rather long time since the school had been regularly open due to COVID-19, Mr Tarun and his team managed to arrange a physical sport event. “It was immense satisfaction. Though we learned a lot using new technology during online teaching, enthusiasm among the students seen during recent sport events were very high”, says Mr Tarun, who felt and saw how evident and visible it was that students were missing the physical events as well. Therefore, Mr Tarun wants to get structured PE programmes started at school which have stopped due to online teaching. “Going back to our past experience of organising and participating in various inter-school competitions, create platforms for students to get exposure in sports of their interest at inter-school levels.”
A quick Q&A with Mr Tarun
What is your favourite food?
What is your favourite music?
Hindi Bollywood songs.
What is your favourite movie?
Hindi & Bengali movies
What is your favourite animal?
What is your favourite colour?
What is your favourite hobby?
Listening to Hindi Bollywood songs.