Schools as contributors of leadership and happiness | Dr. Bindu Hari | TEDx LavelleRoad

During the April '19 TEDx Lavelle Road event our Director, Dr Bindu Hari, spoke of the important role that schools have in promoting social responsibility to its students, not only to help others, but also improve their own health and well-being.
In addition, the importance of allowing our children to fail and learn from those failures, thereby building their resistance and improving their problem solving techniques. Dr Bindu went on to say that inevitably in life everyone faces challenges and it is our duty as educators to teach our children how to overcome those challenges and move forward positively.
Moreover, it is proven that those who help others by taking part in selfless acts of kindness will benefit from a release of dopamine contributing to promoted feelings of happiness and self-worth.
Dr Bindu concludes by saying that it is our duty to promote collaboration, a contribution to society and encourage outward-facing and service orientated behaviour.
Listen to Dr Bindu's full presentation here: