Teacher Portrait – Ms Nikki

Born in London, England, in the mid-1980s, Ms Nikki early on discovered a great love for reading, writing and dogs – passions that have followed her through her life. She grew up to become a news reporter in her home town of London. Thanks to life’s twists and turns, Ms Nikki eventually found her passion for working with children, and after teacher training in Bristol, she jumped at the opportunity to travel to India and join TISB and the Primary Years. We reached out to Ms Nikki to find out more about her passion for education and her visions for this academic year.
The mutually respectful, meaningful relationships I’ve built with children in my classes is the most rewarding aspect – Ms Nikki, Teacher and English subject leader
Being on her third year at TISB, Ms Nikki teaches Grade 5 and is English subject leader in PY. Her biggest joy and motivation at work are the students. “Without a doubt, the best thing about working at TISB is the children; they surprise me every day with their brilliant minds, thoughtfulness, and positive energy”, says Ms Nikki, who is rewarded every day by the great relationships she has built with the students. “To watch them progress, both academically and personally, makes me immensely proud and happy to do this job”.
Teaching in PY offers many exciting and fun moments, and Ms Nikki’s love for literature has developed a special bond to a certain event: “I am really looking forward to Book Week! It will be my third year on the organising committee, and I just love seeing literature celebrated so enthusiastically in PY – the creativity this event nurtures is magical.” Ms Nikki hopes that Book Week this academic year will be back in physical school during the second term, for her and the students to appreciate the event dressed up and face-to-face.
A quick Q&A with Ms Nikki
What is your favourite food?
A colourful green salad with avocado, pomegranate seeds, toasted pine nuts and maybe even a poached egg on top!
What is your favourite music?
Every single song by the Foo Fighters (rock legends!)
What is your favourite book and film?
Impossible question… But I adore A.A Milne’s ‘Winnie the Pooh’ stories for their timelessly beautiful, tear-jerking simplicity. ‘Christopher Robin’ is also my favourite film.
What is your favourite animal?
Dogs (generally of the fluffy golden variety)
What is your favourite colour?
What is your favourite hobby?
I have lots of beloved hobbies: painting, yoga, singing, reading, writing, swimming. I guess dancing would be my favourite because it helps me to feel truly free, full of life and present in the moment.