TISB Staff attempt Oxfam Trailwalker Bengaluru

Four members of staff from TISB will be walking 100 km in Feburary as part of the Oxfam Trailwalker challenge under the team name of Red Hot Chili Steppers.
Dr Caroline, Principal, Ms Kate, Marketing & Communications Manager, Ms Shamini, Vocal Teacher and Mr Reji, Mandarin Chinese Teacher will all be setting off on the morning of 7 February and hope to complete the 100 km, as a team, in approximately 19 hours.
The team have been training together for a few months now, getting to know each other's strengths and weaknesses and becoming as fit as possible prior to the event. This challenge will push us all to the limit, but we are determined to complete it, in the fastest time possible.
We are raising money for Oxfam India, and thank you in advance for any donations you are willing to give.