MUN Awards - Aditya Gupta

Aditya Gupta wins delegates awards in two recent Model United Nations events.
Our TISB Grade 9 student, Aditya Gupta, was recently awarded certificates for best and outstanding delegate at two different MUN events. This makes it five awards that Aditya has won in the last year during nine events.
At Munbank MUN, taking place between the 3rd and 5th of July 2020, Aditya was awarded Outstanding Delegate Award representing Egypt at the UNSC, where they debated a resolution for the Syrian conflict. Munbank was very well attended MUN, with participants from different countries around the world.
At OakMUN 2020, arranged between the 31st of July and 2nd of August, Aditya represented Tunisia to find a resolution for the conflict in Libya at the UNSC and was awarded Best Delegate.
MUN (Model United Nations) is a popular activity for students who are interested in learning more about how the United Nations works and operates. Worldwide, hundreds of thousands of students take part annually. Several of today’s leaders in law, government, business and the arts have participated in MUN events as students.
If you are interested in the MUN club at TISB, read more about it on the MUN page on our website (opens in new window). Please contact Mr Anand Jerome for more information and ways to get involved.