TISBMUN Jr – Here are the Winners

On October 30 and 31 TISBMUN arranged the Junior event for Grades 6 to 8 students all over India. Being on its 11th year of existence, TISBMUN has grown and become one of the largest MUN conferences held in India. In this year’s event, TISB students received two delegate awards, and two special mentions. We reached out to Grade 8 students, Harshika and Arjun, to get an understanding of their experience of the event.
I feel really good about winning this award. I hope to win many more in the future – Arjun, Grade 8
During the TISBMUN Jr, participants were divided into six different committees for the two-day event: ‘Disarmament and International Security Committee’ (DISEC), ‘Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Committee’ (SOCHUM), ‘Commission on the Status of Women‘ (CSW), ‘Continuous Crisis Committee’ (CCC), ‘Star Wars Committee’, and ‘International Press Corps’ (IPC).
TISB student Harshika from Grade 8 represented the USA and won Best Delegate award in the CSW. Renee from Grade 8 represented China and won Outstanding Delegate award in CSW committee. Two of TISB’s students received Special Mentions: Arjun in Grade 8, who was in the DISEC representing Israel; and Advik in Grade 6, who was in DISEC representing Chile.
Arjun joined the TISB’s MUN Club because he enjoys debating and wanted to experience it in a competitive form, so he joined the TISBMUN Jr event. “I thought it would be a good environment to understand how the conferences work”, says Arjun about his first ever MUN conference. Harshika decided to participate in TISBMUN Jr as it was one of her first MUN conferences. She attended last year and, since it was her first Crisis Committee, she found it to be an amazing experience.
Definitely something to do again – Harshika, Grade 8
“This year it went beyond all the expectations I had set and was surely one of the best MUNs I have attended”, says Harshika who represented the USA, which she found was one of the hardest countries to represent. She explains: “The most challenging part was the press conference, the questions asked were very straightforward but tricky, and answering them while putting your country first and foremost was also very challenging.” Arjun also felt that it was tough to represent his country. “I overcame this by pinpointing the parts that were wrong in the allegation made against my given country”, says Arjun, who represented Israel in the crisis scenario.
Being awarded the best delegate in the CSW was something that Harshika did not expect, especially in such a tricky and complex committee. “TISBMUN Jr is something I would recommend to all new delegates who are interested in trying MUN out”, says Harshika, who feels that the conference was one of the best that she has ever gone to. Arjun agrees: “TISBMUN was a wonderful first experience. I learnt a lot about conferences and how to prepare myself for debates. I would love to continue it in the future.”
View the TISBMUN Junior 2021 Opening Ceremony and the TISBMUN Junior 2021 Closing Ceremony on our YouTube channel.
Below are the results for the winners and special mentions for the whole TISBMUN Jr:
Best Delegate | Outstanding Delegate | Honourable Delegate | Special Mention | Best Position Paper | |
SOCHUM | UAE - Anaga, Private | New Zealand - Hamiz, NCFE | Egypt - Adyant Gupta, Private | France - Ruthvika, Bethany High; Kuwait - Rohan, Trio World Academy | |
DISEC | France - Micquel, Campion School | Spain - Ishaan, Private | USA - Jahaan, NPS RNR; Japan - Shlok, Private | Israel - Arjun (Gr 8), TISB; Chile - Advik (Gr 6), TISB; Switzerland - Jiya, Greenwood High; China - Aravind, Deens Academy | |
Star Wars | Ahsoka Tano - Abhay, NAFL | Padme Amidala - Vedant, Neev Academy | Duchess Satine - Aaryav, Campion School | Count Dooku - Ved, NAFL | |
CCC | France - Dharshan V., New Horizon Gurukul | China - Vaibhav, Trio World Academy | UK - Sriharish S., NCFE | Canada - Aarya, NCFE; Australia - Satvik, NAFL | |
CSW | USA - Harshika (Gr 8), TISB | India - Eshanika, NPS RNR | China – Renee (Gr 8), TISB | Pakistan - Reema Shyam, Sishu Griha High School; Indonesia - Aanya, Greenwood High; Sweden - Divya, Jasudben M.L. School | UK - Shenaya, Neev Academy |
IPC | Al Jazeera - Mannan, NCFE | Agence France-Presse - Dheetya S., NAFL | Xinhua News - Anaika, Private | NBC - Athreya S., NPS RNR |