Echonomix - Second Issue Out Now

Echonomix is a student-run online economics magazine, that recently released its second issue with contribution from TISB students. The second issue of the magazine is centered around the topic of 'Tension'.
Echonomix is as a student led magazine, created by the students behind the TISB Economics Club. The magazine aims at empowering student views and perspectives - giving them a voice in issues that are predominant in the world and paramount to them - by exploring possible solutions to the world’s problems and give a platform for students who wish to voice their opinions. After careful considerations the Echonomix team decided that the publication should not only be for young writers; but for anyone irrespective of age, gender, cast and nationality, who would like to voice their opinions and ideas.
The first issue of the magazine, titled 'Crisis', was published in July; and the second issue, titled 'Tension' was recently released in August 2020.
Read more about the magazine and the ideas that is guiding vision on Echonomixx website (opens in new window). Enjoy the captivating contributions in the first issue 'Crisis' (opens in new window), and the new issue 'Tension' (opens in new window) on the publication platform Issue.