Explore Literature and Philosophy

Like many students at TISB, Devarya in Grade 11, is a productive and creative writer. He is involved in several initiatives, including the TISB Economics Club’s ‘Echonomix Magazine’, a poetry magazine website called ‘Poignancy’, and he has written a book with his poetry, titled ‘Destiny: Where Do Your Eyes Lie’. In his latest endeavour, Devarya and his team explores literature and philosophy, inviting curious minds to join their website, ‘Literatour’. We reached out to Devarya to learn more about his newest initiative and the ideas behind it.
Through Literatour, all those who are passionate about Literature and Philosophy can exercise their interests and verbalise their prowess to a wider audience – Devarya, Grade 11
In February this year, Devarya was thinking about starting a forum for other literature enthusiasts. “Initially I had felt the need to create a platform where people with interests in literature could interact with each other”, says Devarya, who believes that he can reach a great audience through the experience gained from his other websites and social media handling. Due to the examination pressure and time constraints, Devarya had to pause developments. However, in April he managed to get the project started again. As part of the start-up phase, Devarya created a flowchart with ideas and activities, and eventually managed to put a few weekends of time into developing the website and video-content. Literatour was born.
While creating Literatour, the Dearya had no particular audience in mind, believing that anyone and everyone who wishes to engage should do so. The content is not particularly targeting any certain age group or community, but aims at a wide engagement. The hope is to also to instil interest in literature and philosophy among those who are new to the topics.
The website posts video content on different themes; ranging from Paulo Coelho, to villains in English literature. It also hosts a forum, blog and quotes section. For every video the team takes a text, outline certain themes or important character details, and try to comment on an observation. “My team of content-creators have complete freedom on how they approach the creation of the content, and so far they have done an excellent job!”, says Devarya, who has also started a sub-section called ‘Literatour Education’ – collaborating with an NGO that teaches English to socially and economic underprivileged students.
To find out more about literature and philosophy, and to join other enthusiasts, visit the Literatour website.