TISB Member of Staff Awarded Certificate from St. Xavier's College

TISB member of staff, Ms Payeli Ghosh Dsouza, attended a webinar hosted by St. Xavier's College in Kolkata.
During the summer months when school was on a break, Ms Payeli from the Faculty English Department, attended a Webinar organized by the Education Department of St. Xavier's College (Autonomous) Kolkata about 'Uncertainty and Fear of the new normal'. As a former student and Gold Medalist in Business Education from the College, Ms Payeli received a personal invitation from the Vice Principal of the Education Department.
The webinar that took place on the 28th of July 2020, focused on mental health and counselling in the Indian context - with a specific focus on how this may be done in the context of Covid-19. Well done Ms Payeli, we are sure there are many aspects and key learnings that can benefit all students and teachers, both during and after the global pandemic passes.