Center for Excellence in Education – letter of appreciation

Last week, just in time for Teachers’Day, we received a letter from Ms Joann DiGenarro, President of the Center for Excellence in Education (CEE). The letter was sent to Dr Caroline Pascoe, highlighting the importance and contributions made by principals and teachers to the success of their students.
Tanvi in Grade 12 who participated in this summers Research Science Institute (RSI) performed excellently. The RSI gathers some of the world's best high school students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) for a program dedicated to research and science related to STEM.
The topics participants engage in, ranges from fields such as category theory to cancer research. During the program participants gain first-hand experience with open-ended, scientific inquiry in leading laboratories and academic, corporate, and government-sponsored research teams, providing students an opportunity to make an original contribution. As such, students get to experience the entire research cycle from start to finish; as they participate in a week of intensive STEM classes with accomplished professors, read the most current literature in their chosen field, draft and execute a detailed research plan, and produce conference-style oral and written reports on their research findings.
The letter received from Ms Joann DiGenarro, stressed the importance of school leadership and teachers; who are so often forgotten in their efforts and contribution to student academic achievements.
On behalf of the Board of Trustees of the Center of Excellence in Education, I applaud the efforts your staff and you demonstrate in assisting students to strive for excellence in STEM - Ms Joann DiGenarro
For more information on the visit the CEE and the RSI program's website, where you will also find information on how to apply.