TISB's Annual Essay Competition is Back

TISB’s Annual Essay Competition is here again, this time focusing on topics related to the ongoing global pandemic, with the theme: 'My COVID-19 Story'. The competition is open to PY students in Grades 4 to 5, and Senior School students in Grades 6 to 12. The maximum length of the essay will be 3 handwritten pages, that will be judged and the winners will be awarded 10 House Points for their respective Houses. The deadline for submissions is the 31 January 2021.
Good writing is the ultimate form of achieving perfection in communication and a hallmark of a good leader – Mr Benny, HOD Library
This is TISB’s 14th Annual Essay Writing Competition, which started in the year 2008. The purpose of the competition is to encourage creativity and leadership skills among students, through essay writing as the competition brings out the ability to think quickly, write credibly with honesty and present well-connected ideas in a solid fashion. “A good writing style will be the key differentiating factor in determining the winners”, explains Mr Benny, who is the Head of the Department of Library at TISB.
As Francis Bacon wrote in ‘Essay on Study’: “Reading makes a full man, conference a ready man, and writing an exact man.” Writing is an important skill that needs to be encouraged, developed and nurtured. “Writing prompts one to think hard thoughts, and to own the thought before penning it down”, says Mr Benny, stressing the importance of critical thinking when writing a good text.
The choice of topic is perhaps obvious, being on everyone’s minds and lips as it has affected everyone in world over the last year. However, it is still a rich topic, as there are many stories to be told. “The pandemic is affecting different people in different ways. Some people have lost their jobs, others experienced loneliness and loss, yet, others discovered new things about themselves or learned new hobbies”, says Mr Benny who wants to hear the voices of all TISB’s students. “We believe that this subject would serve as an exercise for the students to express their emotions and personal experience”, concludes Mr Benny and encourages everyone to send their contributions before the deadline on the 31 January.
To participate, think hard, plan and write your essay. Scan your handwritten essay and send it to:
- [email protected] (PY Grades 4-5)
- [email protected] (Sr School Grades 6-12).