Charity Begins At Home, But It Should Not End There

This week the United Nations (UN) celebrates and commemorates two international days: The International Day of Families, and The International Day of Living Together in Peace. We at TISB want to highlight these two days. We would also like to encourage students to join our collaboration with Special Olympics Bharat.
On 15 May, the world celebrates The International Day of Families. The day was established by the UN through a resolution in 1993, to create an opportunity for countries, organisations and individuals to observe and promote awareness of issues relating to social, economic, environmental and demographic processes affecting families. This year’s theme is ‘Families and New Technologies’. The COVID-19 pandemic has meant long-term impact on families and their daily lives, and demonstrating the importance of digital technologies for work, education and communication. In some cases, the pandemic has quickened the development of technological changes in many parts of society. In preparations for the 30th Anniversary of The International Year of the Family in 2024, the theme this year aims to raise awareness of family demographic trends, as well as promoting development work with families at the centre.
In 2015, all the 193 member states of the UN adopted the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as a continuation of the Millennium Development Goals (2000-2015). Together the SDGs aims to eliminate poverty, discrimination, abuse and health issues and deaths, address environmental destruction and create a world with development for all people, everywhere. For this to happen, the UN highlights and values the importance of families and family-oriented policies and programmes that are vital for the achievement of many of these goals.
“Charity begins at home” is an expression commonly accredited to Sir Thomas Browne (1642), English theologian, polymath and writer. It is many times misused to only care for the needs of people close to home. However, there is a second part to the expression: “… but it should not end there” – a part that is sometimes conveniently forgotten. In the expression, the word ‘charity’ does not only mean financial support, but rather refers to love, care and other acts of inclusion and compassion. Therefore, the expression highlights the importance of developing a caring and nurturing environment at home, a foundation that is then spread on to wider society and the rest of the world.
In 2017, the UN General Assembly adopted the resolution ‘International Day of Living Together in Peace’. The resolution declares 16 May as the annual day to recognise and accept differences and having the ability to listen to, respect and appreciate others, while at the same time living in peace and unity. It is a day in the UN calendar to mobilise the international community and to promote tolerance, inclusion and understanding in order to build a world with sustainable development, peace and solidarity. The resolution maintain that ‘peace’ is not only the absence of violence and conflict, but is based on and requires inclusive processes, where conflicts are resolved through wide participation, mutual understanding and cooperation. Underlying this ambition is a need to eliminate all forms of discrimination and intolerance based on race, colour, nationality, ethnic or cultural origin, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, disability, and socio-economic or other status.
As part of an inclusive society and peaceful development, TISB has for many years been raising funds for Special Olympics Bharat through the TISB Swimathon. Special Olympics is a global inclusion movement working with sports to increase health, education and leadership to end discrimination and empower people with intellectual disabilities. The organisation is founded on a conviction that people with disabilities can, with a good and encouraging environment, learn, enjoy and benefit from taking part in team sports. Moreover, and perhaps most importantly, Special Olympics Bharat aims at creating a platform and place, where understanding, compassion and friendships are built across borders and between different people.
On 20 May, TISB and Special Olympic Bharat want to deepen this relationship and include TISB students. This will be done by a series of online sessions to begin with, where collaboration will be planned, developed and carried out. The first session on the 20 May is an introduction to better get to know each other and to explore opportunities for the future. TISB will select (at least) 10 students from Middle and Senior school to join this movement.
To sign up to participate, click and fill in this MS Form - Student Sign-up Sheet.
To read more about the Special Olympics Bharat, visit the orgaisation's website.