The TISB House System

“We are Trojans, mighty, mighty Trojans” is one of several slogans that normally echoes throughout the TISB campus, as the Houses Discoverers, Explorers, Pioneers and Voyagers rehearse for different House Cup events during the year. Sports Day is the main and largest event in the House calendar at TISB. But House Points are also awarded throughout the year in everyday school life, based on student behaviour and accomplishments.
The House Cup is proudly sitting in Reception waiting to be handed over to the winning team of 2020 – so come on everyone get involved! – Dr Caroline
Last year the House of Voyagers won the TISB House Cup with 430 points. But what is the House System at TISB? What is it for? And how does it work?
We spoke with Principal Dr Caroline, Deputy Principal for Primary Years, Ms Emily, and the House Captains of Discoverers and Explorers to find out more.
On Tuesday 22 September, the Houses at TISB had their first meeting to discuss the upcoming year. When joining the school, all students and staff members are allocated to be a member of one of the four Houses: Discoverers, Explorers, Pioneers and Voyagers. Based on performances in different events, and everyday behaviour in class and after-school activities, House Points are awarded. In Senior School, House Points may be deducted, if a student misbehaves or does not follow the school rules. The House Competition is concluded every year with a tallying of House Points, and the handing out of the House Cup trophy to the winning house.
The House system is an integral part of school life, and something that continuously motivates and supports student engagement throughout the academic year. Principal Dr Caroline says, “At TISB there is an emphasis on the House system as it is a vehicle that supports the school values, in particular camaraderie and collaboration. Students across all age groups work together for a collective cause, which is a powerful way to induce competitiveness, a sense of contribution for the greater good, as well as encouraging students to work together with peers who are not your close friends. The House system is also a way of promoting student leadership, not only in the positions of House Captains, but in the many clubs, competitions and initiatives that are student-led”.
The Primary Years at TISB recently joined the House system, which allows integration and continuity between PY and the Senior School. House Points are now at the heart of the weekly PY Assemblies and both students and parents are hanging on the edge of their seats to find out who is in the lead. PY Deputy Principal, Ms Emily, explains, “In PY our House Point system is at the heart of our positive reinforcement philosophy. We award House Points for significant work and effort and each week the winning House is celebrated in a whole school assembly. I believe that House Points impart intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Organising special House events and competitions also adds to the healthy competitive spirit and sense of belonging among the students”.
Students across all ages are engaged in winning the House Cup, an award that has become quite prestigious. We asked our Grade 12 House Captains Tushar and Richa from Discoverers, and Gaayen and Mariah, from Explorers a few questions:
Why is the house cup important to you and to the school?
“As house captains, we create cultural events as well as sporting events to capture the interest of all students. At a time where interaction is minimal, and students are often confined to home these events encourage participation as well as promote student interaction and involvement with their Houses. It allows students to showcase their talents through healthy competition with other Houses.” – Discoverers, Tushar and Richa
“To us as a House, the Cup gives us a communal feeling, working towards a collective goal of winning. Since the school is separated into Grades, this is the one time that all Grades can come together and get to know each other, promoting cross-Grade inclusion. Therefore, it boosts school spirit through healthy competition, and there is no better feeling than supporting your team and friends.” – Explorers, Gaayen and Mariah
How is the House Cup extra important when school and learning is done at a distance?
“Learning online can be quite taxing and monotonous and has left many students demotivated during after school hours. These events are a way for students to be involved in school activities without being in front of computer screens. Additionally, these events are a way for new students to meet other students with similar interests and get a taste of the competitive spirit at TISB. Furthermore, it allows students to get in touch with their creative side and express themselves.” – Discoverers, Tushar and Richa
“With online learning, it’s very hard to connect with the wider school community, outside classes. The House Cup, frequent events, and activities, get students to collaborate with friends outside class, as well as make new friends in the process. The House Cup activities and events also help to stimulate the brain during a time solely spent on the computer. With these team events, students are engaged and are able to participate in the arts, sports, poetry etc, which have been hindered due to online learning.” – Explorers, Gaayen and Mariah
What will you do to make sure that your house wins the cup this year?
“The enthusiasm among members of our House as well as from Ms Ruth (staff Head of Discoverers and new Head of Drama) is an indication of how excited and determined the Discoverers are. As House Captains, we have been interacting and encouraging our House to participate in events not only to get points but also to have fun.” – Discoverers, Tushar and Richa
“Every individual in our House has a specific talent, and our goal is to make use of each of their skills and strengths, as everyone’s contribution is essential and special. We believe that creating a tight-knit house will be the key to winning. Thus, we hope to instil a sense of pride and House spirit in our teammates. Through this, we feel our team will be excited and eager to participate, with the final goal of winning the House Cup.” – Explorers, Gaayen and Mariah