TISB Physics Club

The TISB Physics Club is one of TISB’s many after-school clubs. It is a student-led initiative that adds on to the regular academic work and explores aspects of physics outside of the classroom environment. We contacted Thejasvi from Grade 11, who is one of the students involved in the Physics Club to find out more.
In the field of science, every individual is the captain of their own ship, in the sense that they are their own leaders – Thejasvi, Grade 11
This Club acts as a forum to unite like minded individuals to explore the world of physics with the help of stimulating discussions, spearheading dream creations, and provide support and opportunities for students who want to enrol in physics programs offered by universities or research facilities. In the after-school Physics Club, students are the stewards of their own projects, and organise events, such as an all India physics Olympiad, and preparing for an outreach program to spread awareness and interest about physics. “In the field of science, every individual is the captain of their own ship, in the sense that they are their own leaders”, says Thejasvi, who is passionate about physics and wants to spread this to the rest of the TISB community.
The club takes place after school on every Friday, from 3:45PM to 4:45PM. Normally the club would be hosted on the TISB campus, but because of the current situation with the global pandemic, the organisers uses Microsoft Teams for their gatherings. When joining the club, students are assigned to a particular group that works on developing its own project that is pitched and presented to all members of the club. Although the group is headed and administered by Grade 11 student, Yash, “each individual member contributes sufficiently enough to be called leaders of their projects. It is for any and every student who has a passion for physics in our school”, explains Thejasvi.
To promote the Physics Club, students have made a video on the topic of air and the principles that are applied in mechanical engineering. The video started out as a project to share the passion for physics to the rest of the school. But the production of the video was also a way to effectively test their understanding of a topic. “This video started out as a project to explain a complex physics complex in simple terms. In the words of a famous physicist: ‘If we cannot explain a concept in simple terms, it means that we have not understood it completely’”, says Thejasvi who has always had an interest for Stirling engines and the principals that guides it.
Sign up for the Physics Club next term to get involved in student-led projects, and build onto the knowledge gained in the classroom setting.