World Water Day - Water Wise

Since 1993 World Water Day has been held on 22 March every year. The day focuses on acknowledging the importance of fresh water by raising awareness about the unconditional urgency of water and of the 2.2 billion people living without access to safe water. ‘Day zero’ has reached some parts of the world, such as South Africa and Chennai, where water scarcity has become a reality for millions of people. Therefore, global water crisis and the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6: ‘Water and sanitation for all by 2030’ is at the heart of World Water Day; addressing issues ranging from climate change and global warming to water management systems.
This year’s theme for World Water Day is ‘Valuing Water’ illustrating that the value of water is not only about the price of water per litre. Water has enormous and complex value for our households, economics, food, health, culture, education and the integrity of our natural environment and ecosystem services – some of which we have not even discovered the value of yet. If we overlook these values, we risk mismanaging this finite and irreplaceable resource. We have to remember that the water on the planet today is the same as the water during the time of the dinosaurs, and will not be added onto in the future.
For the last two years, TISB Primary Years students have been exploring different water topics and issues of sustainability during their ‘Water Wise’ theme in Grade 5. The students researched various topics including sustainable means of water management such as rain harvesting and drip irrigation, as well as ways to save water in the home. Before the pandemic, Grade 5 students visited the TISB sustainable farm to survey it and draw up plans and designs for how to manage water in the most efficient and sustainable way. The project resulted in the students building their own models to display their solutions. This year, albeit virtually through distance learning, PY has continued with the Water Wise theme this year and students came up with new solutions to save fresh water and make a difference.
It is important for young people to learn about issues related to water: “They were shocked to learn about what a precious and scarce resource it is and how easily we take it for granted”, says Ms Nikki, who explains it is vital for students to learn about the water crisis and encourage them to be the generation to make effective changes so our planet doesn’t run dry. “The best thing about the theme was that students, through their own research, became aware of how much water goes into the production of everyday goods like a pair of jeans, beef, coffee, etc.”, says Ms Ivy, who’s Grade 5 students voluntarily started to find ways to cut back on consumption to avoid creating more demand for these products.
The theme has certainly been an eye opener for the students, where they have begun to understand water issues, and how mindful acts of saving water from each of us can make the necessary difference needed. “They got to understand the importance of being water wise and how as young individuals they can and should work towards making a difference in and around their environment”, says Ms Tashina and points to the Grade 5 podcasts that were made as part of the PY Multicultural event. Listening to each other’s learnings and suggested solutions for how to spread awareness and conserve water in their own homes, has inspired students who are now water wise and understanding the essential component that water is to all forms of life.
To listen to the water wise podcasts, follow these links:
- Grade 5a
- Grade 5b
- Grade 5c
If you would like to know more about water related issues and potential solutions, attend the FAO’s World Water Day Celebration on the 22 March 2021, 5:30PM to 7PM (IST).