Inter-House Economy Essay Winner

During last week’s assembly Mr Tarun announce the winners for several of TISB’s Inter-House competitions. Part of the announcement was the first of this term’s competitions – the Inter-House Economic Essay Competition. Seongjoon from Grade 11 won first place in the competition, one of many Inter-House competitions that are very important in the TISB school community. Each of the Houses, Explorers, Discoverers, Pinoneers and Voyagers, battle it out throughout the year for the trophy. We reached out to the Econmy essay winner, Seongjoon, to find out more about the competition and his essay.
Economics has always been a great part of my intellectual curiosity – Seongjoon, Grade 11
The Inter-House Economy essay competition was this time themed: “Discuss the impact of increased international trade liberalisation on a nation's economic interests". To formulate a successful response, participants were advised to consider contemporary examples, such as the effect of COVID-19 on nations' protectionist policies. The essays should be a maximum of 750 words, and submitted before the 4 February, 2021.
As part of the theme of the competition, Seongjoon’s essay was focused on the impact of trade liberalisation on a nation’s economic interest; using real life examples of different benefits and problems that comes from trade liberalisation. “I had some difficulties in finding the real-life applications of economic theories because there were several cases where multiple theories were blended in one case”, says Seongjoon who thought the competition could give him the opportunity to not only express theories he had learned, but also doing so in a practical way, and at the same time contributing to his House – Explorers.
The winning essay does not stop there, but has a way of impacting Seongjoon’s future. “I believe this result can give me the confidence to continue expressing my economic ideas, henceforth allowing me to broaden the scope of my intellectual exploration”, says Seongjoon who hopes that he can take part in more essay writing competitions in the future and to continue to build his experiences.