Vote for Covid Fit Club in The Hindustan Times Award

The TISB student-led Covid Fit Club has been going on since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. The initiative was started and managed by Grade 11 students Rohan and Akash to keep students from all over India healthy during the lockdown that followed, as well as raising funds for combating and mitigating the effects of the pandemic. Since the start of the enterprise, the club has been featured in media and been nominated for awards. Now the Covid Fit Club has expanded and developed further, and is up for another award with the Hindustan Times. We reached out to one of the founders, Rohan, to hear more about recent developments.
We want to and believe in reaching out to each and every child in India to be a part of Covid Fit Club! – Rohan, Grade 11
Since the start of the Covid Fit Club, the team behind the successful social enterprise has grown and recently expanded to include science-based plans for each of their users. “This is all research done by our content based team”, says Rohan and explains that the venture has grown to have many more students join their classes. “While many companies in India work on science and research-based on adults, we will be focussing and being one of the first organisations to do so, solely for children”, explains Rohan who is always looking for new clients to enhance physical and emotional well being.
Currently the Covid Fit Club is working with the government and a couple of NGOs to create and implement a free program to reach socio-economically underprivileged children. As the COVID-19 pandemic has reached high numbers and another nation-wide catastrophe, the team now wants to reach out and do good for a wider demographic. “As the country battles the second wave of the virus, the children and teenagers remain unprotected today, we wanted to help keep this group safe especially as the healthcare system has collapsed with inadequate facilities and supplies”, says Rohan – pointing to the fact that all children are facing a looming mental pandemic, as they have been unable to meet their friends and may buckle under examination pressure.
The efforts of the Covid Fit Club and their founders was recently featured in the NITI Aayog and Discovery India's ‘Bharat Ke Mahaveer’, a documentary series that highlighted local heroes in the battle against COVID-19. “It is truly an honour to have our non-profit recognised and promoted by the Discovery channel”, says Rohan and explains that it played a vital role in further motivating their team. The team of 50 people, many of whom are TISB students, has put in a great effort to grow and expand activities and reach even more people. Gaining insight to the film-making industry while being part of the show gave Rohan a greater understanding of media and marketing, and how to grow even further. Besides fitness and health sessions, the team will now also be hosting podcasts and interview fitness, health and nutrition experts.
The Covid Fit Club has now been nominated to the Hindustan Times award that honours young achievers that turn ideas and challenges into solutions and mission, and takes learning into new paths. The award celebrates 30 young people, under the age of 30, from 30 different categories who does great things – not just for themselves, but for society as a whole. “While it will bring our team a renewed motivation, it will also bring us a brand new customer base as we will be able to reach a wider number of students across India and globally!”, says Rohan and stress the importance of being one of the youngest nominees, and how this may motivate young people to start non-profits.
All the proceeds from the enterprise is donated to the healthcare system in India, including the production of Oxygen.
To vote for the Covid Fit Club, visit the Hindustan Times awards website.
Rohan concludes: “During these harsh times, I find it is really important to take out time and make sure you take some time out in a day to do something you love – video call your friends, read a book you have always wanted to or learn about something you have always wanted to through an online course.”
To get involved and join the health movement, visit the Covid Fit Club’s website.