OakCodefest Hackathon Winners

TISB students from Grade 9, Pranav and Tejas, participated as a team in the Oakridge 24 hour inter-school Hackathon on the 23 anuary. The team won first place in the senior category with 38 participating teams, by developing an app related to traffic and traffic violations. We reached out to Pranav, to find out more about the competition and their product.
The organiser of the OakCodefest event was Oakridge International school. The participants were all middle and high school students. Both Pranav and Tejas are extremely fond of programming. Over the past few months they have been learning several new technologies and improved their programming skills. “We when heard about the OakCodefest hackathon, it seemed like the perfect opportunity to test our skills and compete with other like-minded programmers”, says Pranav, who was one of the aspiring developers who joined the event to showcase their unique talents to others and veterans of the industry.
As part of the 24 hour event, students had to build a working app, or solution, within one or more of the themes of transportation, education, environmental sustainability, data analytics and healthcare. The competition took place online on Zoom and started at 9 am. Each team was divided into breakout rooms through the entirety of the competition. During the competition, all teams started coding at 11:00 in the morning and had 24 hours to complete their projects. There were 3-4 audits every 6 hours, where the judges assessed the teams’ progress. Based on these audits, 5 teams from a total of 38, were shortlisted to present their project to the judges, comprising of industry experts.
Pranav and Tejas designed an app called ‘Roadlance’, which helps police in catching traffic violators. “Using the power of Roadlance, the size of the police force would essentially be 10 times of its current size”, explains Pranav, who’s app together with Tejas enables every citizen in the country to become part of the police, by allowing people to easily capture violations using a smartphone and submitting that to the police. Furthermore, they figured out a way to monetize this system by adding an incentive for the citizens. “Winning this competition has meant a lot to us and has encouraged us to continue learning and further enhance our skills”, says Pranav who looks forward to taking part in many more such competitions.
The work of Pranav and Tejas, and a demo of the product, can be seen at the Devpost website.