Photon Magazine – 'It’s a Small World’ Out Now!

This month the TISB Photon Club published the latest issue of Photon Magazine. This issue is the fifth issue of the magazine and is titled ‘It’s a Small World’, focusing on the very foundations and building blocks of our universe and quantum theory. We reached out to some of the team behind the magazine to learn more about their latest issue.
One of the primary goals of Photon is to create a community of people passionate about Physics – Shrishti and Siddhant, Grade 12
For the previous two issues of Photon Magazine, the team chose what can be categorised as two of the most important topics in Physics, which have existed – literally – for time immemorial: space and time. “This time, we wanted to embrace something a little more novel, but just as riveting”, explains Shrishti, one of the two Editors-in-Chief, about why the team decided to pick up and go with quantum physics.
The work on this issue was a bit unexpected for the team behind it. “To be completely honest, our biggest fear for this issue was that we wouldn’t get many articles to publish”, says Siddhant, the other Editor-in-Chief of the magazine. “But our fears were unfounded, and our members and students at school all came to our support, giving us more submissions than we ever had before. We even had people sign up to be editors”, says Siddhant about a time when both Editors-in-Chief were very busy, which made the support of the community a blessing. “So, I guess in a way, it was our readers who helped us overcome our challenges.”
Although being about Physics, Photon Magazine is for everyone. “This time, we have articles that explore the details of a complex topic, as well as articles that comically introduce a fascinating idea – and we even have a few poems!”, says Siddhant, and invites passionate physics enthusiast who are bound to pick up something new. “Even if you think you’re not particularly inclined to physics, this issue will change your mind. Our universe is beautiful, and when we try to probe its mysteries, we find it is even more so.”
The Photon team is already in the planning stages for the next issue and its theme. “You can never be too early! And we hope that it will be as informative and well-received as our previous ones”, says Shrishti, who wants to reach more people with their club and show them that Physics is not something to be daunted by, but instead something to embrace and enjoy.
If you would like to join the Photon Club and be part of a community of people passionate about Physics, the club meets every Monday at 4:30pm. “So, if you think you have a thirst for learning and a drive to explore the most interesting and mind-boggling concepts in physics, we encourage you to join!”, concludes Shrishti and Siddhant.